1. Kelmeh Oula
2. Lalochezia
3. Hhx
4. Ana Baher
5. El'et
6. Aawaynet Nazar
Kinematik is an instrumental rock band from Lebanon, whose music blends elements of 70’s psychedelia, progressive rock and post-rock.
It was formed in the winter of 2014 by Anthony Sahyoun (guitars) and Rudy Ghafari (synthesizers) as a rock/electronic project with no incentive to erform but only to compose music. By the summer of 2014 the duo had evolved into a 5-piece band with the addition of Akram Hajj, Roy Khazen and Gerard Rechdan in the rhythm section. Rechdan left the band in the winter of 2015.
Kinematik’s rock sound is both diligent and intuitional, ranging from raucous improvisational psychedelic rock to steady and mechanical electronic grooves, with frequent post-rock climaxes. Immediate points of comparison include Godspeed You! Black Emperor and Loop, as well as Can and Tortoise.
Kinematik composes instrumental pieces that feature dynamic contrast, strong melodic lines, a heavy use of distortion and effects, and some reliance on electronics and synthezisers. Their audio-visual performances have earned them a solid reputation and massive local following over the years, both on account of the musicians’ vibrant stage presence and Cynthia-ël Hasbani’s original animations and live veejaying.
Following a series of live performances all over Lebanon, the band started collaborating with renowned Lebanese producer Fadi Tabbal from Tunefork Studios (Postcards, Bunny Tylers, Safar, Filter Happier, etc.), who produced their debut LP ALA’. In order to preserve the raw and vital feel of Kinematik’s live performances, the album was recorded on reel to reel tape, a recording process that has not occurred in Lebanon for the last decade.
The album will be released by Ziad Nawfal’s independent label Ruptured on LP and CD in limited editions of 300 copies, in February 2017.
2014年の冬、ギターのAnthony SahyounとシンセサイザーのRudy Ghafariによるエレクトロ=ロックデュオとして始動。
その年の夏までにAkram Haji、Roy Khazenが加わり現体制となる。
70‘sサイケやプログレ、ポストロックをベースにGodspeed You! Black Emperpr、Loop、Can、Tortoise等からの影響を受けたサウンドは、即興的なサイケデリアからインダストリアルで直線的なグルーヴまで幅広く網羅する。
押しの強いメロディライン、効果的なエフェクトやノイズによってコントラストが強調された楽曲たち。そしてアニメーション作家Cynthia-el HasbaniによるVJと、メンバー自身の存在感が緻密かつ直情的に絡み合うライブパフォーマンスは大きな話題を呼び、レバノン全域に確固たるファンを獲得。
2016年秋に レバノンを代表するプロデューサーFadi Tabbalを迎え、初の6曲入りEP ”ALA”を制作。本作はバンドのダイナミズムを損なわせないために全曲オープンリールでアナログ録音された。(レバノンでオープンリールが最後に使われたのは10年前)
2017年2月UKインディレーベルRapturedよりLPとCDを300枚限定リリースし、TEIEN ONLINE STORE で取り扱い開始。